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For Every New: Possible Year 1998. That Annually Shall Find Us Here On Earth. Still Fighting for Slack and Praising J.R "Bob" Dobbs - So Shall There Be a Great PARTY - In Sundsvall. Sweden - AT Flasian's Camping Grounds - The 5th of July

Right Next To Central Train Station. in Sundsvall. There's a McDonald. walking distance from the city center.

About 4.5 Kilometers, From That Medonals, Going South on the Old Road, IS FLASIAN

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As seen in this picture - There's a Beach Right Next To The Camping. On That Beach, Is The Venue for The Party.

Here's The Link To Flasian camping's Homepage:

"https://firstcamp.sc/ destinationcp/flasian-sundsvall" (Without: ",")

- Lets All Bring Our Slack Along - For The Best Party of The Year!! -

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