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A Trip to The Woods

It all started after a three day trip to the woods

Gender: Male

Age: 24
Dose: About 15mg

It all started after a three-day camping trip in the woods. I woke up in the morning and the sun was shining but it was still a little humid since the rain of recent days. I was taking it easy, fetched water and ate some oatmeal porridge and noodles and thought with expectation to test some of the 2C-I powder I had with me. I decided sometime in the afternoon to pack up the camp and proceed to a lake I checked out on the map that was on the other side of the mountain I was below, and a few hours further away from there. In an opening between the trees, there was an old overgrown road that disappeared into trees and slopes. Around the place I was you could see the steep high mountain protruding behind it, into the wedge-shaped opening.

I threw on my backpack and went in among the leashes and it turned out that the road continued in and became more open, it became cool and green inside it, overgrowned the road. The mountain sloped downhill steeply to the side, but after the map to be interpreted two paths went up somewhere that went down to the water, the river that passed past the campsite.
A little way up the road there appeared a path that continued up the slope, I turned away onto it and began to dig myself through the vegetation for the uphill slope. After some breaking and tearing I had come up for the worst steep but it continued up as long as you could see. I continued to climb over logs and rocks and searched for the paths because I had intended to take the powder and then walk around along the paths, but I had strayed off the trail and had to tar my way through the forest that never seemed to end, here and there it shone through the vegetation/trees, putting sunshine among the openings in the firs, and above it circulated a larger bird with a strange noise, sounded like a horse doing it’s shrieking scream.

But then at last I saw how the forest ended quite the opposite side of the distant ahead and an illuminated grassy spot was seen farthest between the firs – YES! I finally thought it might be an open spot to start planning the intake.
I came out in a big oblong place that looked like an old cleared place, and it continued up into the forest. The moss and ferns disappeared and the ground became sandier and bushier. I walked up an escalation above the grass that was full of small bushes and mini pines and saw that it was like a flat road that continued uphill. On the side it went down and turned into a sandy, cracked ditch. It was a small stream that was now completely dry.
I took off my backpack and checked the place a little. The sandy “mountain-forest-road” just went up into the big forest and above it the sky was blue with a few puffy clouds, and it felt unusually snug down there between the high forest that shot up the sides of the “road”.

Ahhhh! what a beautiful place I have ended up in, I thought as I sat there squinting around. Perfect for a psychedelic experience.. I walked among the trees and found a small, flat piece of wood that I considered almost perfectly plane on one side so I could scrape together a decent dose with it.

Time for intake.

I went back to the backpack and dug out the iron can with the bag in, poured the powder on the jar and scraped to four piles of the 50mg I had. Then I scraped down one pile into the lid, tossed in a little extra and scraped back the rest into the bag again, poured some water into the lid and stirred with a stick. The powder smelled nothing but tasted a bit bitter like that–I had not been completely fooled, i thought.

But when I read on the internet that a reasonable dose was about 25-50mg, I was only set for about a weak atrium of a trip, and wondered if it would be a blunder with maybe just a little headache or something.

As usual, I pulled on my backpack again and began to slowly walk further up the “forest-road”. I walked on and tried to feel if something was starting to happen, but I didn’t feel anything, so I just walked on purposefully, because I started to just step forward on the same road with only woods all around and the sun slowly slid down behind the treetops.

I arrived at a small marsh which was very nice and all around it was open-field, and on an elevation in the middle there was a hunting tower that had tipped over. I went there and sat for a while and tried to figure out where I was on the map, and almost thought about staying there to wait any effect, but decided to make a little more effort and continue. Didn’t have any water with me either, and it just felt bad not to be able to have a refreshing drink, so I went back to on the “road” and continued slowly upwards. Here somewhere along the way up, I feel how it faintly bumps-it a little in the head a little quickly.

After a while the road turns to the left and I stop to think about where I’m really heading off to. Felt like I was heading out into a big nothing, I checked the map and compass a bit and decided that I would continue straight ahead instead of following the road to the left and stepped straight into the woods and started tramping-on again. But after only a few tens of meters, I arrive at a steep valley right in front of me, and all I see is only forest down and up the valley, and no lake can i catch with my eyes down there, which I found it to be from looking on the map. Far away I see a lot of mountains that look damn far from inhabited, so I sit down to think about the situation.

Have I gone far and gotten away completely or am I not even as far as I think? I sit and think and feel in a pretty wrong place while suddenly feeling how the drug is getting started.
Getting difficult to focus here and is just laying down and staring into the trees. Can’t bring myself to raise myself up, tries to raise my back up a few times but immediately puts myself down again to avoid most nausea.

I lie there and try to forget what a nasty situation I am in at this very inappropriate time. I think of horses for a while, what sweet harmonious animals ..

After a while, the boredom and the pointlessness becomes too much and I rise firmly and quickly pulls my back up before I can regret so, and staggers out the same way I came, back to the “road”.
Now I can say that I am in under the influence, and just walks–being dopey.
Feels thick and dopey in my head and things start happening, but there is no warm cozy feeling as that it can get like of mushrooms. More like a poor resolution of perception and rationale. In the headphones of the mp3 player, the Turbonegro rattles/grinds and the nihilistic tone motivates me, I feel like an animal, unleashed! There is no point, I can be nothing, just to sit and enjoy the moment. I walk further and look around in amazement and joy.
Yes! That’s what I am; a funny animal. In addition, the trip is really starting to take over the situation now. I sit down and look around contentedly. The sand I sit on feels very comfortable and a small pine growing there just next to it looks almost like a small cactus. A splash of lunar landscape comes in when I’m sitting there on the gritty sand, it’s nice.
Things start moving everywhere. I look at a stone that is just below me. It has an orange-red speckled spot on its gray-changing surface that moves, flows and pulsates.

All fir/pine and green branching-fir, surrounding me, are also appearing as a sea of ​​green billowing and rocking velvet. Everywhere I see patterns and fractals, I get up and go fairly glad and attentive from-there.

I trudge on at a fast pace with my pack thrown over my shoulder without feeling any kind of effort at all and run in the exhilaration up a hill without becoming a slightest strained – nothing, just feels like before. I feel thirsty and have not drank since the rock-elevation-“climb”, so I start wonder, a tad bit anxious, about how i would hypothetically hike-on without feeling a depleted fatigue and collapse or something, so I tear off my backpack (weighed about 30 kilos) and walks instead, in hope to find some soothing water.

The road is now beginning to descend instead, and I arrive at a long green downhill decreasing trail that seems to lead nowhere, but it just feels fine. I push forward in a nice well-being down the greenery and everything feels like a wild heathen, witchy land. I kind of prance myself along, and around the area there stand old sprawling trees and beautiful branches and everything feels like a witch’s dream-landscape, totally unassuming.

I’m tripping with a damn well-being and a quirky smile on the lips, as “Jim Morrison” say in the doors movie, “Its guaranteed”… Guaranteed death… I’m loose, I’m a dead being in the wondrous world. Beauty, magic, women, everything for me to terrorize with my egoism and unbridled madness, type off.

I walk a bit when I suddenly realize that it may not be so smart to leave my pack far behind, so I return without water to look elsewhere.
When I come back to the pack, I start to go back a bit, AND sees something that shines like metal down the road down the side of it. What?! What can it really be?.. YES it is a trench-pipe that glitters! I go down and sees a large puddle of water from the pipe, that I had missed. YEEEES!
The water looks fresh and comfortable and I know how nice it is to drink, now happiness is done!

I step down for the short slope to the water and fill the bottles as I prepare to continue.

But I now decided to stroll straight out into the woods on a little exploration for some reason.

I myself squeeze my way through the trees with the fat backpack that doesn’t seem to weigh anything at all and suddenly ends up on a completely open lawn with just dry grass lying like cobwebs on the ground. I stumble my way forward into the area straight towards the middle and in some way my vision is projected straight forward-center, until, IN THAT VERY CENTER-POINT, I stand and look straight down at a large beetle that sits RIGHT in the round open, flat dried-grass-lawn, nothing else around just the carbon black beetle that lies there. Around the hill, the flat, long dry grass is shaped to look exactly like a spider web. I stand there staring at the beetle that changes and shifts in blue-purple and red-yellow like gasoline(you know the color-effect). I start talking to the beetle until I decide that the journey must continue. I pay attention so I definitely do not step on Mr. beetle as i walk away from there, and tramps on.

I often find myself staring blankly out into nothingness for several minutes, thinking only about trifling inclinations and oddities until I find myself doing it.

Everything is very slow to do and there’s only to be a lot of insignificant thinking and floundering and the journey down the hill goes at an uneven pace.

In the end, I arrive at a different road and the ground around the road changes, becomes more sandy and barren which appeals to me extremely much at this stage, it feels more mountainous in some way. The road goes a bit up and down until I reach a small hill with a little view. The sun has not gone down yet but is shining very-well on its way down, now. All the small pine trees all around are reminiscent of cacti and the soil is wonderfully dry sandy and lush. On site there are a bunch of black sowing trays that they carry pine-plants in when planting them, you know, that looks like they have been used as chairs/stools, and on the ground there is a large residue of a campfire.

I try to arrange the raising of the tent but strangely find myself standing in the sun. The sun feels like a source of life, when I step into the shade it immediately feels darker and more difficult. But in the end I get the camp together and start a fire. So I end the day much like it started, with eating noodles by a fire.

I forgot to write with a cool sight/hallucination I had
At the end when I’m standing in the sandy spot, the gnats literally flies everywhere around me. think it was mostly gnats there or smaller flies. Because they flew around pretty fast everywhere in mishmash. BUT as I just stood there and knew nothing, did not care or was disturbed by it. But when I look down in front of me at the myriad of gnats they fly in a fractal grid in the shape of straight lines like that. They flew in a system and followed each others, you know, around the pattern, like there were invisible streets in the air, just like in a future movie type Fifth Element. And it is just like a road network with intersections, when a ridge or gnats flies in one direction, they stop in the transverse direction and wait for their turn, just like in such a road network for future aircraft cars.
It looked damn fun that they didn’t fly all-about in chaos, as you usually see it as.

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